
Know the Common Risk Factors of Gum Disease

One of the most severe but also common oral health conditions is gum disease, and it affects both men and women. The main cause of gum disease is infections that develop in the gum tissue. These can lead to shifting teeth and the inevitability of tooth loss. To help you determine if you might be at a high risk of... read more »

Dental Veneers Can Help Alleviate Chronic Dental Staining Concerns

While some changes in the appearance of our tooth enamel can be attributed to the natural aging process or other oral health conditions, most are related to the frequent consumption of dark beverages. This is also a salient problem for tobacco users. If you continually struggle to deal with stained tooth enamel on the teeth that appear in your smile,... read more »

Sugarless Chewing Gum Can Help Reduce Your Chances of Suffering Cavities

It’s well known that introducing excess sugar to your mouth can significantly increase your chances of suffering cavities. In some cases, it can also contribute to the development of hardened tartar near the gumline and increase your chances of suffering from gum disease. However, the occasional use of sugarless chewing gum can be beneficial for cavity prevention. The physical activity... read more »

Try Zoom! Whitening for a Shining Smile

The perks of Zoom! whitening contain some magnificent treatments that will particularly assist your smile. In fact, Zoom! whitening is the best professional whitening treatment on the market. Here are some tips and benefits to consider: - A normal Zoom! whitening treatment only takes about an hour, but can radically improve the color of your teeth. - Thousands of customers... read more »

All About Holistic Dentistry

What is holistic dentistry? As Premier Dental Care is a dental practice which is committed to adhering to its values, we can definitely offer you some of the tenets of this unique and special branch of dentistry. Holistic dentistry means approaching dental care as one part of a whole. We take into account our patients’ physical, emotional and spiritual well-being... read more »

How Sports Drinks and Other Foods Affect Dental Health

The first advice we give out at Premier Dental Care to anyone seeking healthier gums and teeth is to brush twice a day, floss once daily and get professional teeth-cleaning frequently. The second piece of advice we give out is to cautiously monitor the food and drink choices you make. Foods high in sugar and foods tough to chew in... read more »

Information About Jaw and Facial Pain Treatments

Are you suffering from jaw pain? Do you ever have signs or symptoms that you believe are linked to injuries within your jaw? Typically, jaw pain and facial pain include headaches, increased jaw sensitivity, increased pain in and around your ear, and facial swelling. If jaw pain exists and is not treated, various skills and functions of your mouth may... read more »

The Finer Details of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a frequently occurring but serious and often undetected sleep disorder in which your breathing patterns are broken up while you sleep. If your sleep apnea remains untreated, you run the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and worse. Be aware there are many risk factors that can increase your chances of developing sleep apnea. Sleep apnea has many... read more »

Travel Tips for Healthy Teeth

Vacation time is here, and you are ready to go. But are your teeth? Remember these tips to keep your teeth safe and your smile bright for all those touristy photos. Toothbrush Storage: Storing a toothbrush in open air is usually the best option--but when traveling, that’s not often possible. It is more important when traveling to protect your toothbrush... read more »