No Downtime, No Nighttime Device, No Snoring

Snoring may seem like a simple nighttime annoyance, but it could also be an indicator of larger sleep issues. At Premier Dental Care, Dr. Marla Wilson and our team can help you and your loved ones sleep peacefully throughout the night with NightLase® laser snoring treatment in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The NightLase treatment harnesses the power of cutting-edge dental lasers to offer a noninvasive solution to snoring. In some cases, it can even help address mild cases of sleep apnea. NightLase therapy has the added benefits of being:

  • Quick
  • Noninvasive
  • Patient-Friendly
  • Pain-Free
  • Comfortable
  • Convenient

How NightLase Works

The gentle laser pulses on the back of the throat, floor of the mouth and tongue, strengthening the tissues and effectively reducing or eliminating snoring. Each laser session is about 40 minutes. Because of the precision of the lasers used in this treatment, NightLase can be completed quickly and with no anesthesia, so you can return to your day-to-day life immediately afterward.

Multiple in-office treatments are necessary (months apart), along with a continued maintenance schedule for most people. Once you have completed the entire set of NightLase sessions, you can expect your results to last up to one year, after which the treatment can be repeated.

Frequently Asked NightLase Questions

What Causes Snoring?

When air is blocked from flowing freely through your airway as you sleep, it can cause the surrounding tissues to vibrate, which makes the audible noise we call snoring. This is typically a result of the airway narrowing and can often be linked to a more serious sleep breathing disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea. Some factors that may affect your likelihood of snoring include age, nasal or sinus issues, sleeping position, alcohol consumption, specific medications, smoking habits, weight, and more.

How Does Snoring Affect Overall Health?

Aside from difficulty falling or staying asleep for you or your partner, snoring can also contribute to daytime fatigue, morning headaches, dry mouth or unusual irritability. The sleep deprivation associated with snoring is also related to an increased risk of serious health conditions.

To learn more, and to schedule your own sleep consultation with our dentist, call our office at 317-787-6625 today.