You Can Help Your Teeth Whitening Treatment Last Longer

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Having a white and gleaming smile can help you establish excellent first impressions and boost your self-esteem when you are smiling and speaking. In fact, many patients receive teeth whitening from the dentist to enhance their smiles and achieve beautiful teeth. If you recently underwent teeth whitening treatment, we can help you maintain the results of your procedure with proper tooth care.

While a teeth whitening procedure can last for months or even years, the results may be more temporary if your smile is frequently exposed to staining agents. Dr. Marla Wilson and our team offer some tips to protect your teeth from foods and drinks that can make your teeth dull or discolored.

It’s important to know which foods and drinks may reduce your teeth whitening treatment by causing tooth stains. In general, if a cloth can be stained by the food or drink that you eat, your teeth can also be stained. Look out for blueberries, cherries and hard candies, and always brush your teeth after waiting for thirty minutes.

Similarly, beverages such as cola and citrus drinks, tea, coffee and red wine can darken your teeth. They should be paired with a straw when consumed so that they don’t saturate your teeth and result in tooth stains. You can also rinse your smile often and remove these particles from the teeth by drinking water often.

We invite you to contact Premier Dental Care at 317-787-6625 today if you would like to speak with our dentist and discuss teeth whitening in Indianapolis, Indiana.